Hide photos, videos, audios and documents with CalculatorLock-Hide Gallery app.
In this open world, privacy is what everyone needs and privacy is every person's right. So, to ensure the privacy of your photos and videos, here is an app: Calculator Lock. With Calculator Lock you can hide photos and videos.
In this current scenario, it is possible that your phone may be used by someone else like your friends or family. But maybe you don't want to show all your photos and videos, right? That's where our app, Calculator Vault, comes in. It can hide photos and videos, so you don't have to worry about your personal media.
This app provides a Calculator theme. So if someone sees your phone and checks all the apps, they will think it's just a calculator and won't open the app. If you start hiding photos or videos, they may become suspicious and open the app. However, with the Calculator Lock theme, no one will know about this app, making it truly private along with your private photos and videos.
Hide gallery:
In this app you can hide your entire gallery including all photos and videos in a single app. There are many additional features like hiding audio and documents.
Hide document:
You can also hide your personal documents like PDFs, PPTs, XLS files, etc.
Photo Vault:
With this photo vault feature, you can hide photos and make them private so that no one else can see them except you. After hiding the photos, if you want to unhide them at any time, you can easily do that with this app. You can also view hidden photos in this app.
Video Vault:
This feature allows you to hide all your videos and make them private, ensuring that only you can watch them.
Calculator Lock:
The main advantage of this app is that it is based on the Calculator theme, which is why it is called Calculator Lock. With the advantage of Calculator theme, no one will notice this app.
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