hello rummy Description of Countries Capitals Countries Capitals is a quiz game which will help you to learn countries, maps, flags of the world by their capitals in easy and enjoyable way!Geography trivia has all country capitals of every continent - Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, North America and South America.Play with friends at school and beat them all!
5/5 "Learn world capitals while you play!" 5/5 "Perfect when studying for your exams"
FEATURES✔ All national capitals, flags and maps ✔ 30 questions✔ 2 game modes: Story and Challenge✔ 12 languages supported✔ Suitable for all ages: kids and students
GAMEPLAY- Guess the capital of the country- Guess the country from the capital- Guess the map from the capital- Guess the flag from the capital
NOTESSupported languages: English, Chinese, French, Polish, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Hindu.
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