Darktrace Darktrace DETECT AND RESPOND
The Darktrace Mobile App is a new way to experience the Darktrace Threat Visualizer and benefit from Darktrace DETECT and Darktrace RESPOND technologies wherever you are. With real-time threat notifications and the ability to activate AI-driven autonomous response, the Darktrace Mobile App allows you to stay connected with your Darktrace deployment at all times.
Darktrace's mission is to free the world from cyber disruption. More than 7,700 customers around the world trust its AI technology to prevent, detect and respond to cyberattacks.
The Darktrace Mobile App is compatible with Android 7.0 (Nougat) or later.
The Darktrace Mobile App is not a standalone product and requires a licensed Darktrace deployment running version 5.2 or later. Darktrace instance access to the Darktrace Mobile App Service cloud is also required.
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