Description of Spaceman Of the Galaxy Free Somewhere in a Galaxy Far Far away......Where AI-Robots rules, they started to outnumbered humans.Started to treat humans as Servants. Destroying Everything Humanhas ever invented.But they forgot that they are also one of humans invention.To Stop them there are many Special Troops who fights them, but they are not enough.They still needs a special member who could bring them victory and freedom.That Special member could be you.Play as Spaceman one of the Galaxies Special troop memberSurvive, Rescue, Defeat repeatSimple Graphics21 Difficult MissioDragon VS Tiger ns8 types of power to unlock and buyBOSS: 4 generals, 3 leaders to defeat
Version history Spaceman Of the Galaxy Free New in Spaceman of the Galaxy free 0.5 This App is in Development. It may be unstableNow Game is more Easy to Complete levels are Shorten EnjoySome bug fixes Added SoundFor Now Just Playable up to 5 Levels more levels will be coming soon Please rate this app
Tree oF Fortune